Frequently Asked Questions2025-01-29T15:39:29+00:00



Frequently Asked Questions

Upper School drop off (7th-11th grades) is 7:40-7:55 a.m.; chapel begins at 8:00 a.m. Pick up is at 2:40 p.m. Lower School drop off (K-6th grade) is 7:45-8:00 a.m.; chapel begins at 8:10 a.m. Pick up for K-6th grades is 12:30 p.m.

A sample day in the Lower School: after chapel, each student goes to their assigned class and instruction begins. At the Grammar stage, students study Bible, World History (starting with the Ancients), various sciences at each age level, Math, Latin, Phonetics/Spelling/Vocabulary, Grammar/Writing/and Handwriting, Literature, and Recitation. Although the list of “subjects” seems lengthy, many of these areas are integrated and connected in order for the learning of students to take root. For instance, a student may be studying Egyptian Pharaohs in History alongside their Bible reading from Exodus with a Recitation of the Ten Commandments and a writing assignment that connects all of the above. The goal of classical, Christian education is to invite children into the stories of history, to awaken their senses  to the beauty around them, and to encourage and foster a desire to enter into conversation.

One way students experience all five senses is through the arts. Students at SCA are able to participate in Fitness for Life, Music Appreciation and Art/Theater. Whether students engage in a composer study and listen to music from several genres, or participate in a health study focusing on how to strengthen the temple the Lord has given us through eating well and exercise, or act out a scene from Shakespeare, our students are given opportunities to enjoy ART in various forms.

We offer an optional Friday Enrichment program for K-2nd grade; art, music, theater and fitness are built in to the 3rd-12th grade curriculum throughout the week.

SCA is a classical school, so teaching Latin is near the heart of things. It is best to know one language well instead of a smattering of languages. Latin is the root of six Romance languages and shares many cognates with English. As a dead language, the logic of the language has not changed, so it forms students’ minds logically and prepares them for other studies, such as geometry, grammar, etc. As SCA grows, there may be options for taking Greek at the Rhetoric stage and potentially other foreign language instruction.

Yes! The application for tuition assistance opens February 1st and closes April 15th. Families wishing to be considered for tuition assistance should first register their students. Next, families are invited to complete the online assistance qualifying process with Independent School Management’s FAST aid. (Fast Aid charges a non-refundable $60 fee to complete the tuition assistance application.) Tuition assistance applications are reviewed by the school’s Tuition Assistance Committee and they make award recommendations. Families are notified of award decisions in mid-to-late April.

Sager Classical Academy is committed to partnering with parents to help ensure that finances do not create a barrier to seeking a classical, Christian education. We encourage parents to consider applying for tuition assistance in appropriate circumstances. Please don’t let a possible financial burden keep you from applying to SCA.

This worksheet, provided by FAST Aid, will help you know what information you will need to have ready when you complete the tuition assistance application. In addition, here is a Parent User Guide from FAST Aid.

Christian faith is not required for students or parents to attend SCA. The Christian worldview does, however, guide all of our teaching. Chapel attendance is also required at the start of each day; this will be ecumenical, open to all. SCA is not associated with a denomination. However, a statement of faith is published on the website and in registration materials. The expectation is that all students and parents support the statement of faith, whether or not they believe each statement.

We are in the process of accreditation with the Society for Classical Learning which is recognized by the State of Arkansas.

SCA strives to maintain an average 12:1 ratio. The goal of SCA is to keep classes small no matter the size of the institution.

There is a dress code but not an official uniform. Students should wear khakis (either shorts/pants for boys with the option of skirts for girls), navy, white, or heather gray polos, or white button-down shirts (collared), and closed-toe shoes. The SCA French Toast shop is available for viewing here.  Parents are not required to purchase items from this site, but it provides a visual reference for the dress code. A more detailed dress code is provided to parents.

It is not necessary to require certification for our teachers. However, SCA is committed to employing teachers who have at minimum a bachelor’s degree, practice the highest standards of pedagogy, and are committed to their ongoing professional development.

*$100 application fee; $275 enrollment fee to secure spot if offered an open position

See full details under Admissions tab.

Information sessions are held monthly January-April. Please check our calendar for details. We also invite parents and students to visit and observe classes in session and we provide opportunities for students to participate in shadow days.  To schedule a visit, contact us by email or phone: [email protected]; (539) 302.7443.

Each SCA family is asked to volunteer a minimum of 15 hours by the last day of the school year. Many of the beautiful “extras” that happen at SCA depend on volunteers, the help of parents helps keep tuition lower, but most importantly, volunteering involves families more deeply in the mission of SCA and helps build a strong, healthy culture. Our Volunteer Policy provides more information.

2025-2026 academic year

Each child needs their own “Education Freedom Account” (EFA). Open an account here. This will be the portal to ensure funds are transferred directly to your SCA account. At the beginning of each quarter of the school year, you will receive a tuition bill from SCA for a quarter of your student’s year tuition. Each quarter you will upload that bill to your EFA account, select “Sager Classical Academy” as the institution, and payment will be made directly to SCA for the amount you submit.

You. SCA will bill you for tuition as usual, and you are responsible for paying the tuition bill, either through submitting the bill to the LEARNS EFA portal for payment to SCA or by paying SCA out of pocket. (Or possibly a combination of both if your bill exceeds the LEARNS financial limit. See below.)

You will upload your tuition bill through the EFA portal, and payment from LEARNS will be made directly to the school.

For the 2024-2025 academic year, LEARNS covered $6837 per student. The 2025-2026 academic year is forthcoming.

Based on the 2024-2025 allocation per student, out of pocket will be:

K-2: $0

3-6: $363

7-12: $1563

The difference between tuition and LEARNS will be billed, as previously, for June 1 payment (full, half, or monthly).

Yes! Tuition includes curriculum. SCA will distribute approved curriculum to students at the beginning of the school year. 

Yes! Tuition includes study trip fees (for grades 3-12).

No. Study trips at SCA are not considered extra “add-ons” to the overall curriculum but are part of the core educational formation. Tuition is thus a lump sum, and collectively tuition payments are used to offset the general education expenses incurred by SCA, such as curriculum (including trips), facilities, and teacher development.

SCA is currently working through how costs for extracurricular activities will be billed. Stay tuned.

No. LEARNS currently applies only to K-12. You can set up a monthly payment plan with SCA for pre-K.

No. LEARNS covers only tuition, which includes curriculum and study trip fees. The application fee will be due when submitting your application. 

No. LEARNS covers only tuition, which includes curriculum and study trip fees. The enrollment fee will be required to accept the enrollment offer and reserve your spot at SCA.

No. Beginning with the 2025-2026 school year, SCA will be a private, Christian school in the process of accreditation with the Society for Classical Learning. Students will no longer file as homeschool, instead falling under the category of “private school.” 

Students will still have the same access to public school resources.

Currently, the AAA organization, which governs all public school competitive activities, does not allow students from one accredited school to participate in competitive activities at another accredited school. Once SCA becomes accredited through the Society for Classical Learning, SCA students will not be able to participate in AAA governed activities at public school. Note that this has nothing to do with LEARNS but accreditation. SCA is actively working to have this ruling adapted for schools like SCA that do not have their own competitive activities.

Since SCA is not purchasing and selling uniforms to families, uniform costs cannot be submitted to the EFA portal under “SCA” and reimbursed. Families may use any LEARNS funds not spent on tuition (e.g., K-2) to purchase uniforms through an approved vendor. 

Since SCA is not purchasing and selling supplies to families, supply costs cannot be submitted to the EFA portal under “SCA” and reimbursed. Families may use any LEARNS funds not spent on tuition (e.g., K-2) to purchase supplies through an approved vendor.

The school only receives the amount you submit through the portal. The remaining unused amount stays in your student’s account and rolls over to the next academic year, provided they remain in the LEARNS program. 

Unfortunately, no. You must be an Arkansas resident to access LEARNS funding.

Unfortunately, no. Oklahoma recently voted to discontinue the ability of Oklahoma families to use funds for out of state education. We suggest you contact your local legislators to reconsider.

SCA strongly encourages Oklahoma families to apply for tuition assistance. SCA will continue to set aside funds for tuition assistance and will focus on assisting our Oklahoma families.

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