Lower School
Parents please note these lists are not intended as book purchase lists. See link at bottom of page.
Literature Sample: A Storm in the Night (Mary Stolz), The Story About Ping (Marjorie Flack), The Glorious Flight (Alice and Martin Provensen), Frog and Toad (Arnold Lobel), Madeline (Ludwig Bemelmans)
*History, geography, science, Bible, writing interwoven with literature
Math: Singapore Math
Phonics: Saxon Phonics
First Grade
Literature Sample: Miss Rumphius (Barbara Cooney), Owl Moon (Jane Yolen), The Tale of Peter Rabbit (Beatrix Potter),
Follow the Drinking Gourd (Jeanette Winter), Wee Gillis (Munro Leaf)
*History, geography, science, Bible, writing interwoven with literature
Math: Singapore Math
Phonics: Saxon Phonics
Grammar: Daily Grammar Practice
Second Grade
Literature Sample: Charlotte’s Web (E.B. White), Mouse Tales (Arnold Lobel), George Washington (D’Aulaire), Little House in the Big Woods (Laura Ingalls Wilder), The Bears on Hemlock Mountain (Alice Dalgiesh)
*History, geography, science, Bible, writing interwoven with literature
Math: Singapore Math
Phonics: Saxon Phonics
Grammar: Daily Grammar Practice
Third Grade
Literature Sample: Aesop’s Fables, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Roald Dahl), The Trumpet of the Swan (E.B. White), The Miracles of Jesus (Tomie de Paola), Cleopatra (Diane Stanley)
History: Story of the World, Volume 1
Writing: Institute for Excellence in Writing
Spelling and Dictation: Logic of English
Math: Singapore Math
Grammar and Latin: Daily Grammar Practice and Song School Latin
Fourth Grade
Literature Sample: Michelangelo (Diane Stanley), The Tale of Despereaux (Kate DiCamillo), The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (C.S. Lewis), Ink on His Fingers (Louise A. Vernon), Adam of the Road (Elizabeth Gray Vining)
History: Story of the World, Volume 2
Writing: Institute for Excellence in Writing
Spelling and Dictation: Logic of English
Math: Saxon Math
Grammar and Latin: Daily Grammar Practice and Prima Latina
Fifth Grade
Literature Sample: The Magician’s Nephew (C.S. Lewis), The Sign of the Beaver (Elizabeth George Spears), My Side of the Mountain (Jean Craighead George), The Boy in the Alamo (Margaret Cousins), Amos Fortune, Free Man (Elizabeth Yates)
History: Story of the World, Volume 3
Writing: Institute for Excellence in Writing
Spelling and Dictation: Logic of English
Math: Saxon Math
Grammar and Latin: Daily Grammar Practice and Latina Christiana (first half of the book)
Sixth Grade
Literature Sample: The Hiding Place (Corrie Ten Boom), A Christmas Carol (Charles Dickens), The Jungle Book (Rudyard Kipling), Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry (Mildred Taylor), Across Five Aprils (Irene Hunt)
History: Story of the World, Volume 4
Writing: Institute for Excellence in Writing
Spelling and Dictation: Logic of English
Math: Saxon Math
Grammar and Latin: Daily Grammar Practice and Latina Christiana (second half of the book)
Upper School
7th Grade
Literature, History, and Theology: The Trojan War (Olivia Coolidge), The Book of the Ancient Romans (Memoria Press), The Story of the Greeks (H. A. Guerber), Plutarch’s Lives, The Odyssey, Code of Hammurabi, Gilgamesh the Hero, The Bronze Bow (Elizabeth George Spear), The Horse and His Boy (C.S. Lewis), Julius Caesar (Shakespeare), Horatius at the Bridge, The Man Born to Be King (Dorothy L. Sayers), Trial and Triumph: Stories from Church History (Richard Hannula), Nicene Creed, Apostles’ Creed, Lost Tools of Writing I
Math, Logic, and Science: Saxon Algebra 1/2 or Saxon 8/7, The Fallacy Detective (Bluedorn), Physical Science (Novare)
Latin: First Form Latin, Memoria Press
8th Grade
Literature, History, and Theology: Crispin: Cross of Lead (Avi), Plutarch’s Lives: Pompey and Themistocles, Beowulf the Warrior, King Arthur, Ballad of the White Horse (Chesterton), Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (Penguin), Canterbury Tales, Marie de France’s Lais, A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Shakespeare), Trial and Triumph: Stories from Church History (Richard Hannula), The Rule of St. Benedict, Lost Tools of Writing I
Math, Logic, and Science: Saxon Algebra ½ or Algebra 1, The Art of Argument, Physical Science (Novare)
Latin: Second Form Latin, Memoria Press
9th Grade
Math and Science: Saxon Algebra 1 or Saxon Geometry with Euclid’s Elements, Apologia Biology and Origin of Species
10th-12th Grades
Math and Science: Saxon Geometry with Euclid’s Elements or Saxon Algebra II, General Chemistry (Novare)
9th-12th Grade Cohort
Literature, History, and Theology: Woods Runner (Gary Paulsen), Humanitas: American Origins, Books 1 and 2 (Classical Academic Press), Cherokee Songs, Poetry by Bradstreet, Wheatley, Edward Taylor, Longfellow, Bay Psalm Book, New England Primer, The Crucible (Miller), The Scarlet Letter (Hawthorne), Declaration: The Nine Tumultuous Weeks When America Became Independent, May 1-July 4, 1776 (William Hogeland), The Tempest (Shakespeare), The Four Cardinal Virtues (Josef Pieper) or The Line Through the Heart (J. Budzizsewski)
Rhetoric: Classical Rhetoric, Memoria Press, Aristotle’s Rhetoric
Latin: Latin Henle I
What is Classical Christian Education?
Classical Christian education is the cultivation of wisdom of virtue by nourishing the soul on the good, the true, and the beautiful by means of the seven liberating arts so that in Christ the student is better able to know, glorify, and enjoy God. Classical Christian education is rooted in Christ and expressed through formational learning of the arts and skills of learning, which are applied to Great Books and Great Ideas so that students can learn how to enter into conversations that have been ongoing throughout human history. Who is God? What is man? How should we live? How do we come to learn and know anything? These are just a handful of the big questions that humans have sought to answer throughout history, and classical Christian education is designed to form students into lifelong learners who ask and answer these questions in ways consistent with the Christian faith and in conversation with leading voices in history. Want to learn more? Check out some of the resources at the link below.