
Do you worry about finding the right school for your children?

Sager Classical Academy is a preK-12 classical, Christian school located in Siloam Springs, Arkansas. Here, children encounter the Good, True, and Beautiful and become joyful lifelong learners able to thoughtfully engage their world.

Do you worry about finding the right school for your children?

Sager Classical Academy is a preK-12 classical, Christian school located in Siloam Springs, Arkansas. Here, children encounter the Good, True, and Beautiful and become joyful lifelong learners able to thoughtfully engage their world.

What is Classical Christian Education?

Classical Christian education is the cultivation of wisdom of virtue by nourishing the soul on the good, the true, and the beautiful by means of the seven liberating arts so that in Christ the student is better able to know, glorify, and enjoy God. Classical Christian education is rooted in Christ and expressed through formational learning of the arts and skills of learning, which are applied to Great Books and Great Ideas so that students can learn how to enter into conversations that have been ongoing throughout human history. Who is God? What is man? How should we live? How do we come to learn and know anything? These are just a handful of the big questions that humans have sought to answer throughout history, and classical Christian education is designed to form students into lifelong learners who ask and answer these questions in ways consistent with the Christian faith and in conversation with leading voices in history. Want to learn more? Check out some of the resources at the link below.

Portrait of a Graduate

Seek &
Communicate Truth

| with humility & boldness

Embody Virtue

| as a citizen, church member, in family life, & as a steward of creation

Create & Cultivate

| in nature and in the arts.

Explore & Apply the
Natural Sciences

| in daily life

Reason Well

| using mathematical & logical principals

Engage the Great

| having the skills to read great texts, think critically, and with knowledge of the history of ideas

Articulate Vocation

| knowing God’s primary calling and attending to His secondary calling

Portrait of a Graduate

Seek &
Communicate Truth

| with humility & boldness

Embody Virtue

| as a citizen, church member,in family life, & as a stewardof creation

Create & Cultivate

| in nature and in the arts.

Explore & Apply the
Natural Sciences

| in daily life

Reason Well

| using mathmatical & logicalprincipals

Engage the Great

| having the skills to read greattexts, think critically, and withknowledge of the history of ideas

Articulate Vocation

| knowing God’s primary callingand attending to His secondarycalling

News & Updates

A school for everyone.

Sager Classical Academy admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school.

Sager Classical Academy does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, or ethnic origin in administration of educational policies, admissions policies, financial policies, employment policies, and any other school-administered programs.

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